About once each year, I have one. It sticks with me for days and each time I have one, I think I have the genesis of the world’s greatest novel.
I am talking about those epic dreams that are so intricate, so detailed and so vivid, that I am sure it has the makings of that novel that I always wanted to write.
I have oft told friends and associates who didn’t believe they were very creative to tell me about a dream they had this week. Now tell me you aren’t creative!
It has never ceased to amaze me how our brain takes little snippets of events, things we say, things we do or see, and molds it into some kind of out there story with more twists and turns than an Agatha Christie “who done-it”.
Having worked in the media and advertising for most of my life, being creative was an everyday need. Some days are better than others, but every time I think I am stumped, I remind myself about those dreams, and I know that the right idea is in me somewhere. And the nice thing is that ideas don’t have to be bound by what you have seen or heard in the past. It can literally be anything. It is absolutely true that there are no bad ideas. Some of the best commercials I have ever heard started with some of the cuff quip by someone in the room, that may or may not have been on topic, but it sets of a chain of thoughts with someone else, then another picks up on it, and before you know it, we have the foundation of a great theme or idea that will help make one of our clients a lot of money.
Those dreams are amazing because while they are most often pretty out there, they usually have a foundation of truth…..what you are happy about, what worries you, or what is on your mind during that time. They speak to you because they are really about you.
Wouldn’t it be great if your ads did the same thing to your prospects?
Think about that!
The best ideas, and ads, are truthful and honest. Be truthful and honest.